This morning, at 12:00, the allocation draw for the two semifinals of Eurovision 2022 was held. Semifinals that will take place on May 10th and 12th in Turin, Italy. The allocation draw was broadcasted from one of its most historic buildings and listed as World Heritage, the Palazzo Madama.
Carolina di Domenico and Mario Acampa, Gabriele Corsi's replacement after testing positive for COVID, hosted the event.
Stefano Lo Russo, Mayor of Turin has thanked and welcomed the 41 participant countries. He also argued that the slogan "The Sound of Beauty" is a result of Turin being a beautiful city. He told that Turin has beautiful parks, beautiful rivers, beautiful architecture, it is full of art, sports, life. A few seconds later, in a video displayed on the screen, the mayor confirmed that yes, that is truth and Turin is beautiful.
Before starting with the allocation draw for the semifinalists, it has been decided in which semifinal the Big 5 countries will vote.
After that, the allocation draw of the semifinals has been made, which have been as follows: